Tuesday, November 18, 2008


If you missed it last night..Kim's got ya covered!!!

It is only appropriate that this weeks episode is based on thanksgiving seeing as it is lurking around the corner. Thanksgiving- that time of year when we all gather with our loved ones to share our gratitude for all that we are thankful for. And who has more to be thankful for than the elite class living in the upper east side? Of course these teens as well as their parents display much more drama than actual giving thanks. Although I will say that this episode did not display as much manipulation as usual...(I guess the writers were feeling sympathetic for the holiday!) Events from last year's thanksgiving episode are often reminisced about throughout the episode, and we even see similar traditions and scenes.
Upon finding out that Aaron wants to be NOW exclusive like her, Sarena lies to Aaron and tells him that she has been sober for quite a while because he does not agree with partying. Dan, being the oh so perfect guy that he is, of course is quick to remind her that lying is no way to keep a relationship, so she informs him that she will be open about her past. When Sarena offers to let her skeletons out of the closet Aaron decides to accept her as she is and not who she was. I realize dating Dan may have turned her on to nice guys, but Aaron is much too geeky and boring for me-despite how cute he is.
Blair is upset when her maid slips to her that her mother has become engaged to Cyrus, and is going to announce it in from of everyone at dinner. She runs away because she feels as though her mother should tell her secretly first. She comes home to find that her mother's real surprise is that her father is coming home to visit. Although Blair spends most of the episode brooding (whats new?), we are able to see her in happier spirits toward the end and more accepting of new traditions.
Eric, Sarena, and Lily find out that Bart has been keeping secret files of their pasts in a secret room. Upon finding this out Lily flees to Rufus' and they spend thanksgiving dinner with is family once again. Eric learns a secret about his mom being in an intuition when she was nineteen, and the episode closes with Bart making a call to find out why she was institutionalized (should be interesting..possibly have something to do with leaving Rufus?).
Jenny threatens to emancipate herself from her father, and has been secretly staying at the Bart household. Her father and her make up by the end up the episode and she moves back home. Vanessa and Jenny decide not to let Nate come between their friendship since neither of them have had any contact with him recently anyway. During dinner Vanessa finds a letter Nate has written to Jenny announcing his true feelings for her, and she decides to hide it from her. Uh oh looks like someone still has feelings for Nate..I see a catfight coming on!
Of course we cannot forget the Archibald family. After all this episode is titled "The Magnificent Archibald's." His father returns and says he wants his wife and Nate to escape with him. Nate almost buys it until the F.B.I. reveals to him his father is broke and is planning to hold his mother and him hostage for ransom. Nate is able to talk his father into turning himself in. Nate and his mother are able to return to their old house, and Chuck and Nate even rekindle their friendship.
The episode closes with Gossip Girl saying how old friendships can be rekindled, which is evident in this episode. I predict the relationship between Bart and Lily Bass to become more and more strained, and she will continue to lean on Rufus for support..(do I sense another divorce coming on?) Although it will be difficult to hold out, we must wait two weeks for the next episode!
Xoxo –Kim

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


SALSA Lessons GOING ON NOW..and you can WIN EM!
You and your honey can win ....
the first 6 people to email me at jill@fm100memphis.com
will win:
Salsa Class and Dancing at the Memphis Brooks Museum
Salsa Lesson with the La Rumba Latin Dance Company
Music by Memphis’ #1 Latin DJ-DJ Moi
Columbian food tasting and a full cash bar
Thursday November 13th
more info: brooksmuseum.org or 544-6208
Thanks so much..and GOOD LUCK!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So last night's episode was pretty interesting as always. However, the relationship between the gorgeous guy Aaron and Serena was boring me so let's focus on the interesting twist of events of Blair last night. She is experiencing the not-so-fun occurrence of her Mom dating again and while she is wanting to enjoy turning 18, the burden of the relationship is raining on her parade and she will go anyway to stop it. The door of opportunity opens when she thinks her Mom is planning to ditch her party for a Cyndi Lauper concert (who knew she would ever appear on this show??). Blair decides then to have a revealing heart-to-heart with Cyrus. Cryus admits his interest in her mom was so strong she broke things off with his wife (I have a feeling this will come back later on..). Blair uses the info as ammo to her mother and is decorated with the typical "Blair-isms" of exaggeration and exploitation. But wait...the karma moment comes around when turns out-Cryus got Cyndi Lauper to appear at her bday party! Guilt sets in and sees that Cyrus knew of her re-telling and got back at her by killing with kindness. This inevitably makes Blair warm up to Cyrus.

Maybe next week we will get to see the other things going on (family issues everywhere! secrets being exposed!) unfold and bring us further into the storyline..until then-rock those headbands and keep your secrets under wraps.