Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Photography Website


Brand new photography website.
Check it out.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

morning show life

My life on the morning show this week has been awesome...
Gotta say...getting up at 5am ...not so my father says, "Getting used to getting up early is kinda like getting used to a left hook. It just doesn't happen."
BUT...I'm managing...I have my coffee, water and diet coke.
Brett makes fun of my "hydration system" but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

Hope you're likin the show....
and if you don't....Ill be back on Mid-days on monday and ron and karen will be back as well starting as 530a Monday morning..

IN THE MEANTIME.....Ill see ya back here tomorrow morning bright and early...OH OH OH and word to the wise..just a little FYI...the more tired I get..the funnier I I should be in rare form tomorrow morning..
SEE YA! have a great day...BUCCO OUT!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Christy Lee Cook on AM IDOL

SO, we all have little mishaps and slips of the mouth if you will, but last night Christy Lee Cook had one that would stump Ryan and raise the eyebrows of Simon. She made a comment to Simon after her performance.....

She meant to say;
" I will Blow your socks off"

What she actually said:
"Ill blow you til your socks come off"

Yea....its ok Christy..It's happened to the best of us...yours just happened to be on national tv.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Michael Buble=awesome!!!!

Michael and Jillip!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Going back to BIKRAM!

So today is the day I go back to Bikram Yoga. I dont know if you've ever dont this, but I used to talk about it all the time. I went RELIGIOUSLY 4-5 times a week and FELL in love with it. Its amazing and I can't wait to go back today.

I still do my usual spinning and kickboxing and running but I feel the need to go back to here i go...wish me luck and if you feel like joining in...its at BIKRAM YOGA MEMPHIS on sanderlin. I usually go to the 430 class or the 6p class. Its not too expensive and its soooo super beneficial you'll absolutely love it.

HEY, if RON can do it ....You can do it. ( Don't know if you remember him coming to class with me last year-very entertaining)

I've also been contemplating returning to my vegetarian lifestyle.

I was a vegetarian for 9 years then became sick and enemic so I had to start eating meat again. I was VERY reluctant at first but tried to stick to mainly chicken and fish. I still STILL can NOT eat anything that looks like what it once was or anyhting with a bone in it or around it.

I've been contemplating returning to being a vegetarian. It was so much easier for me to live that way. I'm still a member of PETA nad THE NATIONAL HUMANE SOCIETY and have been having sort of a moral tug of war with myself on eating meat vs being an animal activist...feeling like sort of a thoughts, encouraging words or advice? There is a difference between being an activist ( ME) and an extremist ( NOT ME) Im just trying to find a happy medium.
Any advice?
Ill gladly consider it.

