Monday, February 11, 2008

Whoever heard of a....

Jewish/Chinese Restaurant?

That's ok..every so often I get a craving for a little Moo-Goo-Gai OY MY BACK!

Gone with the ....mice?

Like I told you...the attick folk were coming over to RAT RID my home. They did a great job and threw away everythign in my attick. ( It's philosophy was...if i can't tell you whats up there...then I doubt Ill miss it)
My attick is now as clean as my kitchen lie.
While they were at my house...I got the "cleaning bug". You know when one area of your house is you feel like you have to clean another area..and so on..and so on...until it snowballs into one big anal retentive cleaning downward spiral?
It was my Pseudo-Spring Cleaning weekend. (I'm talking-every single drawer, cabinet, closet...EVERYTHING.
SPOTLESS. Thats the new theme to my house.
I got a new sofa this weekend and Phillip suggested we re-arrange all the furniture in the den. So, we did. LIke the McDonalds slogan...IM LOVIN IT! I've never really been into fung shway( I KNOW THATS NOT HOW YOU SPELL IT) but im willing to bet I have it now :)
ps..I think my 31 year old back had enough after that 12 hour cleaning/furniture moving spree. I feel like a wrestled a small elephant. My back is hate criming me...but it's ok...cause I give the weekend 5 STARS over all. I had a great time! I gave Phillip a mini cooking lesson last night. Turns out..THE MAN CAN COOK! WAHOOO! We had chili..and if i were you..I wouldnt mess with a man that can cook chili that well! YUMMM. Now I'm hungry! :)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Chinese New Year-Year of the RAT

Well that couldn't me MORE true.
I have someone coming tomorrow to clean out my attick and fix some "holes" in my house.
These "holes"....yup...made by RATS. EWW GROSS!
I had roof rats way back in the day. I don't anymore but the holes they chewed have now made nice little passage ways for MICE. So, eventhough I have 2 dogs and 2 turns out they aren't very good killers.
(Although once I did come home to a rodent head on my floor. My dog Buster decided he wanted a snack of the mouse body as a little mid-day nosh)
Since I never go in my attick, I didn't know was up there. I don't even know what my attick looks like. I had some people come to check out the attick and the condition of the attick.
Turns out the entire attick needs to be cleaned out and disinfected from all the germs from all the past rodents. It's really bad for your health to breathe in all the toxins from rodent droppings. (once again...eww)
Soooooooooooooooooooooo as of tomorrow..I will have the cleanest attick this side of the mighty mississip!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I'm giving up CHOCOLATE for lent.'s true.
A few years back I gave up alcohol for nothing.
Then one year I gave up just beer which was fine until I remembered that St. Patrick's Day falls during lent....try drinking wine on St. Patty's Day...or better yet....liquor...that was a messy holiday Ill tell ya that.

So this year....something else I'm attempting to tackle...yes yes....chocolate...
that's my everest!

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


SO, I just figured out why I have such a crush on Howie Mandel.

He looks identical to my boyfriend, Phillip.

See for yourself.