Thursday, January 17, 2008

Polar Bear Plunge

Raising money for a greater cause!
Ok ...
Im conquering one of my fears...WATER!
Taking the POLAR BEAR PLUNGE with my friends...
February 2nd is the date.....

Please go to my fundraising website at

Thanks in advance for your help!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

bummed :(

So, Im a little bummed. I used to write for this publication called've probably heard of it. Not sure if it is still "around" so to speak...I sure hope so....writing is one of my favorite things to do EVER! I'm very much like Carrie Bradshaw from SEX IN THE CITY, with the slight difference that I don't really write about sex and I dont live in New York. I DO, however, write about relationshipsI, style, dating, diets, fashion, health and anything else that I can discuss in a light-hearted somewhat humorous manner.

You can visit the website at
Past publications are on there if you want a fun read or you can pick up a copy at Spinstreet, Celtic Crossing and Cafe Ole to name a few.
Hopefully it hasn't folded and isn't going to fold.
Here's WISHIN!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Reality Check


So, ive been out of the loop for a bit. I went on vacation....a very long overdue vacation to MEXICO. My whole family went to Playa Del Carmen Mexico to the Royal Resort...SOO MUCH FUN!

There was an ENORMOUS hot tun in the MIDDLE OF our hotel open bar..IN THE everything because it was an all inclusive needless to say..i over ate and over drank ALL WEEK...which is why ive been running 5 mi and going to spinning alot this week hahhah....

great times... I love my family...they are the greatest and they are SOO MUCH are some pics! ENJOY!!! I have to go catch up on my work now and all 875 emails I have to answer hhhah.

 is what i learned in spanish...CERVEZA POUR FAVOR! that means...BEER PLEASE....its the only thing I learned....