Monday, February 23, 2009


( or blog if you will)
SOOOO this is the 1st day of my (CRUNCH TIME) diet...well its not really a diet..but its super hard core ...6 weeks til the time to mess around...Phillip and I are in FULL FORCE..with NO CARBS..NO SUGAR..NO ALCOHOL. ( I know..those of you that know me very well just took a big gasp of air at the last part there..I love and live for my red wine..BUT..this is something super BIG so Im willing to do it) Im not in panic mode...I think because Im already the size I want to be..but Im just trying to get a little more..since it will be a CRUISE where there is essentially always an " All you can eat" situation..and since ill be in a bathing suit most of the trying to do a pre-emptive strike.
WITH THAT going to keep a should be extremely entertaining if not atleast informative.
So, here goes nothing...
DAY 1:
Day far so good..I have this ENORMOUS bottle of water..when i say enormous..I mean it..its pretty ridiculous....3 liters..i have to drink it all by 3pm when im off the air...Ive already peed like 4 exageration and its only 11 am.
So..i feel really great so far..and I have lots of energy...
Im just thinking that by wednesday or thursday...I wont be able to leave the studio without cursing or punching someone in the face..
we'll see..Ill check back in tomorrow..
so good.
ps if you have any recipes for me to use..or tricks as far as low carb
Id love it. currently working on an ALL CARB diet...there's gotta be one out there....seriously..ill find it..or create it...not sure which.
:) o