Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chad Pitts top 3 Diet Tips

Chad Pitts diet tip #1:

Drink hot water/tea/lemon with some whisky...I informed chad that was a hot toddy and was for a sore throat and not for weight loss. His reasoning was this: You will drink the hot toddy...and then get so drunk..that you'll pass out...causing you to skip a meal..thus causing you to lose weight...NEXT!

Chad Pitt's Diet Tip #2:
If you run around the block....stop...drink as much water as you around the block again....You'll get a cramp that is SO bad..that you'll pass out..causing you to skip a meal...thus causing you to lose weight.

Chad Pitt's Diet Tip #3:
Go to the grocery store and grab a cart...go around the store and put everything that you want to eat in your grocery the end of the shopping spree...look at the cart..dont buy anything and walk out of the store with out the food. THUS tricking your mind into thinking you already had all of the calories in the cart..but you didnt..ER GO causing you to lose weight.

I feel a strong need to put a disclaimer here stating these are not the beliefs of JILL BUCCO or FM 100 and neither party recommends you actually try these.