Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kelly Clarksons weight loss plan

So, I was reading OK magazine the other day while I was at the salon..and Im reading about Kelly Clarkson..and they're showing all these incriminating pictures of her..what she used to look like..what she looks like now..and it was saying all these be thinner..look thinner..appear thinner..etc.etc.etc..
I like kelly...actually I love Kelly...always have...I feel really bad for people that are talented and pretty that are picked on (IE:Jessica Simpson-dont even get me started on that...that girl could way 300lbs and shed still be more gorgeous than most...her bad day is my good we'll leave it at that) back to KELLY!
Im gonna post pics in a second of her before and are her tips.
1. She works out a few times a week..she'll run or walk or do the olyptical..thats it.
2. She ( this is what I THINK is the reason she lost all her weight..this is kind of extreme..not sure if I could do it..but here it is)-cut out all CARBS, ALCOHOL, and SUGAR.
Ponder that for a sec..go ahead..ill wait! :)
3. She lightened her hair ( this is the "appear thinner" part) and started dressing more to flatter her figure.
The results...check the photos.