Friday, October 06, 2006


What would you do with $1400.? THINK! What would you do if I said you couldn't use it to pay bills or do anything smart with the money. It would be alot more fun if I said what would you do with..say..powerball type million. But, unfortunately Ron, Steve and Karen dont have 387 million to give away..BUT ...they DOOOO have 1400.00 to giveaway on Tuesday. OK so I'm going to give you a little tip. Brush up on your movie trivia...steve likes to ask stupid easy questions..for all the small questions...then when he gets to the really big one that matters...the money winning question if you will...its crazy color was the shirt that bruce willis was wearing in the second scene of die hard. Its annoying I know...but there is alot of money at stake.
So, Good luck...ill be sending you good thoughts.
As for me? I would buy lots of shoes...and wine...and sit at home...with a bottle of red...and try on my new heels...I love heels...ORRRR Id blow it all on one pair of monolo's....those are fabulous shoes that I would never ever be able to afford unless I won the blockbuster trivia challenge.
And, since I work here and can't win...Ill just have to admire yours!